Source code for shawk.Client


Define the Client interface in Shawk.

from __future__ import print_function
from threading import Timer
import email
import csv
import re
import smtplib
import imapclient
from shawk.Contact import Contact
from shawk.Message import Message
from shawk import SMS_Address_Regex, sms_to_mail

[docs]class Client(object): """Define the main Shawk interface.""" def __init__(self, user, pwd, inbox=True, auto=True): """ Initialize the client and configure SMTP for sending messages. This will establish an SMTP connection for sending messages to contacts. Note that each instance of Client should be configured to a unique user (email). """ self.__user = user self.auto_refresh_enabled = auto self.contacts = {} self.inbox = [] self.latest_messages = [] self.refresh_interval = 10 # Time in seconds self.text_handlers = {} self.default_text_handler = lambda x: print('Shawk received message: %s' % x) # Configure SMTP self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) self.smtp.starttls() self.smtp.login(str(user), str(pwd)) # Handle optional arguments if inbox: self.setup_inbox(pwd, auto=self.auto_refresh_enabled) def __repr__(self): """Return the object representation of the Client.""" return "<shawk.Client({})>".format(self.__user) def __str__(self): """Return the String representation of the Client.""" return "A Shawk SMS Client for {}".format(self.__user) def __del__(self): """Delete the object.""" self.smtp.quit() try: self.imap.logout() except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def add_contact(self, number, carrier, name=None): """ Create a new Contact instance and add to contacts. You can also pass a list of numbers, carriers, and names to create multiple at once. """ # If the two are lists, add each to the contacts if isinstance(number, list) and isinstance(carrier, list): # Ensure name is also list if name and not isinstance(name, list): raise Exception("Not enough names") if name: self.contacts.update({str(nu): Contact(nu, ca, na) for (nu, ca, na) in (number, carrier, name)}) else: self.contacts.update({str(nu): Contact(nu, ca) for (nu, ca) in (number, carrier)}) # Add the number and carrier to contacts if single pair is provided if name: self.contacts.update({str(number): Contact(number, carrier, name)}) else: self.contacts.update({str(number): Contact(number, carrier)})
[docs] def remove_contact(self, contact=None, number=None, name=None): """Remove a contact from contacts.""" if not number and not name and not contact: raise Exception("No identifier provided") # Find number # Check contact if contact and not number: number = contact.get_number() # Check name if not number: for _, c in self.contacts.items(): if c.get_name() == name: number = c.get_number() break # Raise exception if not found if not number: raise Exception("No matching contact found") # Delete the object from contacts del self.contacts[str(number)]
[docs] def get_contact(self, message): """ Return the Contact from a given message's sender. Returns None if sender not in contacts. """ # Return contact that matches the message's sender address = message.get_address() for _, contact in self.contacts.items(): if contact.get_address() == address: return contact return None
[docs] def get_contact_from_address(self, address): """ Return the Contact matching a given address. Returns None if not in contacts. """ # Return contact that matches an address for _, contact in self.contacts.items(): if contact.get_address() == address: return contact return None
[docs] def setup_inbox(self, password, user=None, folder='INBOX', refresh=False, auto=False, ssl=True): """ Configure an IMAP connection for receiving SMS. Optionally configure behaviours such as auto-refresh, refresh immediately once configured, or specify a folder. Folder specifications are useful if you configure your Gmail account to filter messages from certain senders to be moved to a specific folder, that way they don't clutter your Gmail Inbox folder. """ # Apply user if not provided if not user: user = self.__user # Connect IMAP server self.imap = imapclient.IMAPClient('', ssl=ssl) self.imap.login(user, password) self.imap.select_folder(folder, readonly=True) # Refresh if requested if refresh and not auto: self.refresh() if auto: self.enable_auto_refresh() self.auto_refresh()
[docs] def enable_auto_refresh(self, start=True): """ Enable auto refresh of inbox. Will also begin refreshing now, but can be disabled with `start=False`. """ self.auto_refresh_enabled = True if start: self.auto_refresh()
[docs] def disable_auto_refresh(self): """Disable auto refresh of inbox.""" self.auto_refresh_enabled = False
[docs] def auto_refresh(self): """Refresh the inbox automatically on an interval.""" if self.auto_refresh_enabled: if self.imap: self.refresh() Timer(self.refresh_interval, self.auto_refresh, ()).start() else: raise Exception("No inbox is setup")
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refresh the inbox only once.""" # Get raw messages from imap uids ='ALL') raw_msgs = self.imap.fetch(uids, ['BODY[TEXT]', 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM)]', 'INTERNALDATE']) # Convert messages to string format and simplify structure messages = [] for uid in raw_msgs: obj = {} obj['UID'] = uid for key, value in raw_msgs[uid].items(): try: if key.decode('utf-8') == 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM)]': obj['FROM'] = email.utils.parseaddr(value.decode('utf-8'))[1] else: if key.decode('utf-8') == 'BODY[TEXT]': obj['BODY'] = value.decode('utf-8') else: obj[key.decode('utf-8')] = value.decode('utf-8') except AttributeError: obj[key.decode('utf-8')] = value messages.append(obj) # Find sms messages in messages self.latest_messages = [] for msg in messages: # If the sender's email address is in our supported gateways if re.match(SMS_Address_Regex, msg['FROM']): # Create Message object contact = self.get_contact_from_address(msg['FROM']) new_msg = Message(msg['BODY'], (contact or msg['FROM']), msg['INTERNALDATE']) # Add to inbox and latest_messages if new_msg not in self.inbox: self.latest_messages.append(new_msg) self.inbox.append(new_msg) # Handle the new texts for msg in self.latest_messages: matched = False # For each regex and function in text_handlers for regex, func in self.text_handlers.items(): match = regex.match(msg.text) # If a match occurred, call the function if match: matched = True func(self, msg, match) # If we did not match any specific regex if not matched: self.default_text_handler(self, msg)
[docs] def set_refresh_interval(self, time): """Define the refresh interval for auto refresh.""" self.refresh_interval = time
[docs] def get_refresh_interval(self): """Return the refresh interval for auto refresh.""" return self.refresh_interval
[docs] def text_handler(self, pattern=None, modifiers=''): """ Define a decorator that accepts a regular expression in string form for handlers. Sets the default text handler if no string is provided. """ # Collect modifiers modifiers = modifiers.lower() flags = None if 's' in modifiers: flags = re.DOTALL if not flags else flags | re.DOTALL if 'i' in modifiers: flags = re.IGNORECASE if not flags else flags | re.IGNORECASE if 'm' in modifiers: flags = re.MULTILINE if not flags else flags | re.MULTILINE if 'l' in modifiers: flags = re.LOCALE if not flags else flags | re.LOCALE if 'u' in modifiers: flags = re.UNICODE if not flags else flags | re.UNICODE if 'x' in modifiers: flags = re.VERBOSE if not flags else flags | re.VERBOSE # Compile the regular expression try: if flags: text_regex = re.compile(pattern, flags) else: text_regex = re.compile(pattern) except Exception as e: # If text was provided if pattern: raise Exception("An error occured while compiling regex: ", e) else: pass def decorator(func): """Closure that receives function.""" # Set the default text handler if no regex is provided if not pattern: self.default_text_handler = func else: self.text_handlers[text_regex] = func # Return unmodified function return func # Return decorator return decorator
[docs] def export_contacts(self, path): """Export the current contacts to a Shawk CSV file.""" # Open path to overwrite with open(path, 'w') as outcsv: writer = csv.writer(outcsv, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, lineterminator='\n') # Add version specific formatting writer.writerow(['Shawk contacts file', 'v', '0.4']) # Add each contact's information for _, contact in self.contacts.items(): print(contact) writer.writerow([contact.get_number(), contact.get_carrier(), contact.get_name()])
[docs] def import_contacts(self, path): """Import contacts from a Shawk CSV file.""" csv_version = '' # Open path to read with open(path, 'r') as incsv: reader = csv.reader(incsv, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') for row in reader: # If this is the first row if row[0] == 'Shawk contacts file' and row[1] == 'v': csv_version = row[2] else: self.contacts[row[0]] = Contact(number=row[0], carrier=row[1], name=row[2])
[docs] def print_contacts(self): """Print the contacts""" for _, c in self.contacts.items(): print(c)
def __sendmail(self, address, message): """Send the content of message to address.""" return self.smtp.sendmail('0', address, message)
[docs] def send(self, message, contact=None, address=None, number=None, name=None, carrier=None): """ Send a message. Can determine a contact to use via a number of different specifications, but it is advised to specify a Contact object if possible. However, passing a specific address takes precedence over any other input. """ if not contact and not name and not number and not address: raise Exception("No contact information provided") if contact: assert(type(contact) is Contact) # Convert Message instances to string if isinstance(message, Message): message = message.text # Send message to recipient if address: return self.__sendmail(address, message) if contact: return self.__sendmail(contact.get_address(), message) # Address is not readily available, determine from other inputs # Find address if given number if number: number = str(number) # Get address of recipient try: address = self.contacts[number].get_address() return self.__sendmail(address, message) except KeyError: # Number not in contacts if not carrier: # Not enough information raise Exception("Could not find number {} in contacts; require carrier information".format(number)) else: # Build address address = sms_to_mail(number, carrier) # Send the message return self.__sendmail(address, message) # Find address if only given name if name and not address: name = str(name) for _, each in self.contacts.items(): if == name: address = each.get_address() # Send the message return self.__sendmail(address, message) if not number: # Name was not found in contacts raise Exception("No contact found matching the name {}".format(name))